Prague | Chime meeting on 'Chinese Music and Memory' - call for abstracts

From 3 to 7 September 2020, the 23rd International meeting of CHIME, a worldwide platform of scholars and aficionados of Chinese music, will be hosted by the Institute of East Asian Studies at Charles University in Prague, the Czech Republic.
This lively event, with panels, films, paper sessions, and concerts will be organized in cooperation with Campus Hybernska.
The theme of the meeting is Chinese Music and Memory.
We invite students, scholars and artists in the realm of Chinese music to submit proposals for individual papers or panels, or posters about this. The theme is very broad, and intended to cover aspects like history, historical construction, notions about what 'tradition' involves, systems and scores of music notation, music cognition, mnemonical systems, revival movements, intangible cultural heritage, and a great deal more. As in every CHIME meeting, we also provide some room for presentations on on-going research in Chinese music.
Abstracts of around 300 words are invited for individual posters or for twenty-minute presentations on the conference theme or, for panel sessions of a maximum of 120 minutes, an abstract of around 300 words detailing the focus of the panel as a whole, plus abstracts of 100-200 words for each contribution. The conference and presentations will be held in English.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1 March, 2020.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will take place by 15 March, 2020. Submitters who depend on early acceptance for grant or visa applications may contact us to request earlier decisions. We urge participants from the People’s Republic of China to start visa application procedures as early as possible, since the trajectory for obtaining permission to travel to the Czech Republic from China is a long one.
We have some limited funds to support students and scholars who have no access to conference grants, and cannot fully cover their own participation in this meeting. Feel welcome to contact us for further information about this.
All abstracts and all enquiries should be directed to the Programme Committee of the 23rd Chime meeting, c/o Frank Kouwenhoven, Email: For more on the conference, you can also check the current website, where we will publish regular updates.
In the course of May 2020 we expect to announce details about concerts and cultural activities planned in the framework of this meeting. We sincerely hope to welcome you at our CHIME meeting in Prague in autumn!
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