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Opportunities > Piemonte Share Festival | open call for digital art submissions


12 Mar 2017

Piemonte Share Festival | open call for digital art submissions


Piemonte Share Festival, the Italian art fair of electronics, digital art and new media, announces the theme for its 10th consecutive Share Prize: Sincerity. International open call for submissions responding.

The  competition  jury  will  award  a  prize  of  Eur  2,500.00 to  the  work  (published  or  unpublished)  which best  represents  experimentation  between  arts  and  new  technologies.

The  candidates  for  the  prize  (a  short  list  of  6  competitors)  will  be  guests  at  the  twelfth  edition  of  the Share  Festival,  taking  place  in  Turin  at  the  end  May  2017.

This twelfth edition of the festival will be led by artistic director Bruce Sterling, American author, journalist, editor and critic.

Our electronic network society has many virtues, but opacity, deceit and obscurantism are among its vices.   For 2017, Share Festival raises its lantern of Diogenes to search for technical artworks that are honest.

How can a work be technically accomplished, yet also lucid, clear and trustworthy?
How can art works gracefully remove the smoke-and-mirrors of mystification and make an art of explaining themselves?
How can technology art treat the audience with justice, fairness and respect for their civilized intelligence?
Who has the emotional courage to privilege the heartfelt confession over the domination of digital craft?

From 16th January to 12th March entries can be submitted for the prize using the online registration form. An international panel of judges will short-list six nominees for the prize which will be invited to participate in the usual exhibition of Share Festival, to be held in Turin in the end of May 2017.

The names of the short-listed finalists will be announced in the beginning of April 2017. The international jury will be announced by the end of January 2017.

Deadline for entries: 12 March 2017


Piemonte Share Festival is an annual event held in Torino-Italy, dedicated to contemporary art and culture in all its global dimensions and interconnections with the Internet and new media.