ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Ever-emerging Mag | call for entries from female 45yrs+ visual artists


01 Nov 2020

Ever-emerging Mag | call for entries from female 45yrs+ visual artists

Ever-emerging Mag is a new Platform / online magazine for senior (ish) FEMALE, ever emerging visual artists, aged 45 years +. An international call for entries is open for submissions for the first online edition.

Ever-emerging Mag is a Dutch initiative. The call is open to female 45yrs+ artists around the world.

As Ever-emerging Mag does not charge any entry fees, we do ask you to follow us on our Instagram account, and share our account with at least 3 others that don't follow us yet. This contributes to the network and exposure that EEM aims to establish within the senior female art community around the world.


Deadline for entries: 1 November 2020

Ever-emerging Mag is a platform dedicated to female artists who are 45 y.o. or over. Historically, the artworld has been and still is, a male-dominated industry where men are overrepresented in museums, positions of power, teaching jobs, galleries and exposure in general - Despite women holding the majority of art-degrees. In short, we need more opportunities for artists who identify as female.

Furthermore, the artworld is sliiiiiiightly youth-obsessed. Most of the exposure opportunities are dedicated to young "emerging" artists that are of a certain age, or just graduated from artschool. At Ever-emerging Mag we believe that emergence is an ever evolving concept, that is not always related to age or (measurable) youthfulness. And though the artworld is carefully becoming more feminist, we aren't "there" yet. Also, the women who are now 45+, were young during the art patriarchy's glory days, meaning most of the opportunities were handed to men while they were younger.

There is still a deep need for strong networks between women of all ages, to empower each other's talent. Also in the arts. Ever-emerging Mag aims to contribute to that.