Change of Scene | international performing arts partnerships programme call

CHANGE OF SCENE is a funding programme of the Robert Bosch Stiftung in collaboration with the International Theatre Institute. The funding programme aims to stimulate and establish lasting international partnerships between two countries, with applications to be made by the partner in Germany, Austria or Switwerland.
The list of potential partner countries includes (from the ASEM member countries, which focuses on): in Asia - Mongolia and in Europe - Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Hungary.
CHANGE OF SCENE aims to promote international exchange, and wishes to encourage taking up current discourses and social changes in the countries of Eastern Europe (NB: including Central Asia, Mongolia, Russia) and North Africa and making them visible in the mutual artistic reflection. The focus of the program lies on supporting the directly collaborative work of two cooperative partners to develop a new project together. Existing co-operations can be further developed or new co-operations initiated. The partners should meet on an equal footing and jointly make new realms of experience and working methods accessible.
The call for applications is intended for theater and independent theater groups from all areas of the performing arts such as acting, dance, music theater, puppet theater, and performance from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The supported projects should publicly present their works in the German-speaking region, and a presentation in the partner country is equally desirable.
Ten to twelve international co-operations can receive up to 15,000 euros of funding. The selection of projects is decided by an independent jury.
Deadline for applications: 15 February 2014
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