Voices in Culture | Tay Tong interview

Culturelink Asia-Pacific publishes an interview with Tay Tong, Director of Arts Network Asia as the latest in its Voices in Culture series.
Tay Tong is the Managing Director of Theatreworks in Singapore.
In the interview he talks about the origins of Arts Network Asia (ANA), its activities and aspirations:
"ANA is about connectivity and engagement through collaborations, research, networking and dialogues across cultures. It intends to continue to foster dialogue between Asian countries, which despite geographical proximity, are often separated by wide cultural chasms.
The central notion is: travel within Asia but outside one’s own familiar environment. This, ANA believes, will help artists and community workers gain a better sense of Asian cultures and identities and regard Asia as a site of production and of action (as opposed to Europe, the US and Australia). It is the belief that exposure to outside communities and contexts will benefit the worldview of artists and community workers. This will equip them with better skills to negotiate their own contexts in the future."
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