The 14th edition of the annual
"The Best in Heritage" conference will be held in
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 24-26 September 2015.
The Best in Heritage constitutes
an international, annual survey of award-winning museum, heritage and conservation projects. More than 20 projects from different world regions, proclaimed the best in the previous year on national or international level, are invited to the conference to present their success stories.
For the first time,
ASEMUS will be a media partner of the 2015 edition of The Best in Heritage.
The objective of The Best in Heritage is not to evaluate, nor give prizes or awards but presenting what is the best. Heritage and excellence being the only limits, the event
allows participants to see and hear about museums, galleries, visitor attractions as well as about conservation and exhibition centres, about real and virtual - applications, augumeneted reality techology, web sites etc., from actions to institutions..... Participants in this year's event include the UK's Victoria and Albert Museum, an ASEMUS member, as well as several other museums in Asia, Europe, Oceania and America.
The participation of the audience is assured through Q&A sessions and discussions. In addition, the
post-conference seminar “Financing Heritage Institutions in Times of Scarcity", will take place on 27 September at Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik.
In addition to the global survey of the projects of influence, The Best in Heritage features rich social and cultural content organised with help of Dubrovnik Museums, all taking place in the Renaissance city core of Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The conference was initiated in 2002 by the European Heritage Association, Zagreb, which still supports the event. Other partners and supporters include the City of Dubrovnik, the Ministry of Culture of Croatia, Europa Nostra, ICOM, UNESCO, ICOMOS, ICCROM and the World Federation of Friends of Museums.
publications of the proceedings of previous years' conferences are available at
additional information about "The Best in Heritage", please visit
registration, please visit
As a result of ASEMUS' partnership with The Best in Heritage, a special rate of EUR 260 is available for ASEMUS members when registering.
ASEMUS members interested in registering should write to asemus@culture360.org to be provided with the discount code.