Salzburg Global Forum for Young Cultural Leaders

The Salzburg Global Forum for Young Cultural Leaders will provide a unique learning opportunity for "next generation" cultural leaders. Taking place in Salzburg, Austria, Oct 27 - Nov 1 2012, early application for the limited number of bursaries for outstanding candidates from developing countries is strongly advised.
The Salzburg Global Seminar and National Arts Strategies will launch an annual leadership development forum for young cultural leaders from around the globe in October 2012. The Salzburg Forum will provide a unique learning opportunity for "next generation" cultural leaders from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. The goal of the forum will be to help young practitioners improve their leadership skills to enable them and their organizations to thrive in a field characterized by rapid change, uncertainty, and limited resources. Each year, the Forum will bring together fifty young leaders from a variety of cultural institutions around the globe for leadership training focused on core competencies and themes such as: team-building, risk-taking, innovation, mentorship, technological savvy, collaboration, articulation of mission, stamina, involvement in civil society, managing relationships, and future vision. The carefully crafted program will mix theory and practice and will draw on the knowledge and experience of recognized international experts, who will join panels and facilitate workshops during the five-day gathering The participants will have a minimum of three years of professional experience and be approximately 25 - 35 years old. They will come from all continents and represent a broad spectrum of cultural expression and artistic endeavor - from dance, music, and theater to visual media, museums, and festivals. The participants will remain connected with each other and will also be encouraged to connect virtually with each year's forum. The Salzburg Global Seminar, known for its global convening power, will team with National Arts Strategies, a non-profit US-based organization specializing in leadership development in the cultural sector. The intention of the annual forum is to strengthen the leadership capacity both of individuals and of the field as a whole, while at the same time enhancing international understanding and cultural exchange through a vital, new global network of young cultural leaders.This session is being conducted with support from the Edward T. Cone Foundation
Please note:Conference fees vary depending on the financial circumstances of an individual applicant.
The conference is fully residential, with board and lodging included in the fee, from dinner on the opening day until breakfast on the departure day. Travel to and from Salzburg is not included.
For a very limited number of outstanding early to mid-career applicants from developing countries, Salzburg Global Seminar and its partners cover travel as well as session fees. Our aim is to bring together a unique mix of people and strongly encourage individuals from all parts of the world to apply.
More information on Salzburg Global Seminar.
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