Poland:4th ASEM Culture Ministers Meeting

The 4th ASEM Culture Ministers’ Meeting (4th CMM) will be held in Poznan, Poland on 8-10 September 2010.The theme of this meeting is “Heritage and the Challenges of the Present”.Since the 1st CMM in 2003, ASEF has participated and presented its work in Arts and Culture. Ministers have always noted their appreciation for ASEF’s contribution in cultural exchanges between Asia and Europe.
For the 4th CMM, the Cultural Exchange Department will represent ASEF to update the ministers on ASEF’s activities in the field of arts and cultural exchange.In special focus will be the ASEMUS network and the development of culture360.org, an initiative mandated by Culture Ministers at the 2nd CMM. In addition, the Cultural Exchange department intends to channel recommendations from two relevant projects:
- The “ASEM Workshop on Enhancing ASEM Visibility through Cultural Activities” which took place on 27-29 April 2010 in Hanoi, Vietnam.
- The Expert Roundtable entitled “The Cultural Heritages of Asia and Europe: Global Challenges and Local Initiatives” to be held on 2-3 September 2010 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
ASEF has demonstrated a keen interest in museums and heritage since 1999. In 2000, ASEF was instrumental in establishing the Asia-Europe Museum Network (ASEMUS). In the declaration on “Dialogue among Cultures and Civilisations”, the ASEM Leaders affirmed cultural diversity as the common heritage of humanity; as a source of innovation and inspiration; and, as an important driving force for socio-economic development. Towards this end, international cooperation among museums is a crucial tool to enable different stakeholders to get access to the collections. The network commemorates its 10th Anniversary this year.
The recommendations of the “ASEM Workshop on Enhancing ASEM Visibility through Cultural Activities” underlined that online platforms should be supported as a repository of information and good practice exchange on Asia-Europe cooperation as well as a means to enhance the relationship with and between the ASEM/ASEF stakeholders.
In this respect, culture360.org is a highly visible ASEM initiative that is facilitated by ASEF. It is regarded as a flagship project of ASEF, and is a central tool which ASEF will use and promote in the process of facilitating cultural exchanges between Asia and Europe.
The development of the website will be visible to all the participants by the installation of a culture360.org booth at the venue of the 4th ASEM Culture Ministers Meeting and a presentation during the Plenary Session on the 10th of September.
The details of the Expert Roundtable Recommendations and interviews taken on-site with various Culture Ministers regarding the culture360.org website will soon be made available on culture360.org.
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