MEMORIAMEDIA Call: Participatory Methodologies and Intangible Cultural Heritage

Areas of interest
Contributions can address any of the following topics:- Participatory methodologies, ICH and sustainable development;
- Participatory methodologies, identification and awareness of ICH significance;
- Participatory methodologies, research, documentation and inventory of ICH;
- Participatory methodologies, transmission (formal and informal) of ICH;
- Participatory methodologies, education, training and capacity building on ICH;
- Participatory methodologies, dissemination, information and promotion of ICH;
- Participatory methodologies, planning, financing and agency in safeguarding ICH;
- Participatory methodologies, nomination files and inscription in the ICH UNESCO’s lists.
Format and procedure
All papers, videos and e-exhibitions will be peer-reviewed by editors and 2 members of the editorial board. Editors can request the opinion of peer-reviews who constitute an ad hoc list. All submissions are reviewed based on their relevance, originality and clearness. In the case of papers, the following aspects need to be considered:- Up to 5000 words (10-14 pages);
- Word file (.doc, .docx) or Plain text (.txt) – up to 4MB;
- Written in English or Portuguese.
- Communications/demonstrations of ICH Participatory Methodologies;
- Up to 10 minutes’ video;
- Link to the video with reserved access – YouTube or Vimeo.
- For e-exhibitions: link to video; Power Point file (.ppt, .pptx) or other format for editors’ consideration - up to 4MB;
- The video and e-exhibition must be subtitled/written in English - up to 2500 words in subtitles (which must be sent in .doc, .docx or .txt file).
Further information
For further details about the call, please visit and consult MEMORIAMEDIA Review's submission guidelines hereSimilar content
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