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20 Dec 2012

Indonesia's contemporary art scene | challenges and developments


'What Are We Waiting For?' by Mella Jaarsma & Nindityo Adipurnomo in ArtAsiaPacific magazine outlines changes in the Indonesian contemporary art scene over the last five years.
If art had once been a way to look at things differently and to alter our perspectives, today the questions are: What do we expect from art? What is its function in a society such as Indonesia? Do we still need art to challenge us?

Over 20 arts organisations have come together to create the Indonesian Art Coalition (Koalisi Seni Indonesia), which aims to establish a national collective body that can advocate the importance of art and support nonprofit projects.

The authors see the art scene is increasingly commercialised and independent curators navigate between commercial and alternative initiatives.  With no government cultural strategy, the arts are in crisis. The authors hope for a reaction—any initiative that could shake things up.

Read this important article by Mella Jaarsma and Nindityo Adipurnomo from Cemeti Art House from to get a perspective on issues for the contemporary arts in Indonesia.

To learn more:

Amor Fati is Roy Voragen's blog on contemporary Indonesian visual art scene, with many excellent links

Indonesian Art Now lists current exhibitions, artists, curators, galleries in Indonesia

Indonesian Visual Art Archive online resource centre

Orientationtrip 2012 took 16 curators and art professionals from Europe to visit key organisations and artists in Yogyakarta and Jakarta in November 2012 - check out the programme and contacts

IMAGE: Jatiwangi Art Factory