5 Media Partnerships with culture360.ASEF.org in 2019

culture360.ASEF.org is excited to announce the results of the open call for proposals for Media Partnerships for events happening between January and June 2019. The 5 selected events will take place in India, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom and Finland and will showcase innovative formats and topics.
As media partner, culture360.ASEF.org will promote the selected events with articles, interviews and event posts on the website, social media channels and monthly newsletters.
1. EARS on Helsinki 2019
Where: Helsinki, Finland
When: 14-15 February 2019
A multidisciplinary creative industry conference fostering connections between Asia and Europe
2. UnBox Festival
Where: Bangalore, India
When: 15-17 February 2019
A festival that brings together various disciplines, formats and experiences with the idea of connecting local and international networks for collaboration and open dialogue.
3. TEH Conference 87: pARTicipation through cultural reflexions
Where: Dresden, Germany
When: 16-19 May 2019
A conference to exchange artistic strategies and working methods among arts professionals towards a higher participation in social processes.
4. Spain Moving Images Festival 2019
Where: Madrid, Spain
When: June 2019
A film festival focusing on Asian filmmakers with a platform for dialogue between Asia and Spain.
5. XTRAX/GDIF 2019 showcase
Where: London, UK
When: 20-23 June 2019
A series of interdisciplinary events to connect arts professionals and create new collaborations. This year XTRAX will happen along the Greenwhich+Docklands International Festival (GDIF).
Interested in partnering with us in the second half of 2019?
Don't miss your chance to submit a proposal to the new open call that will be launched in January 2019.
For more info on how to collaborate with us, take a look at our Partners Kit 2018.
Press Release: 5 Media Partnerships with culture360.ASEF.org in 2019
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