2021 Year of the Creative Economy for Sustainable Development - list your event

Are you hosting an event, discussion, debate, conference or any other celebratory happening to mark the UN's 2021 International Year of the Creative Economy for Sustainable Development?
You are invited to inform @UNCTAD so that it can be added to the database of events happening throughout the year. Your event will also be logged in the UNCTAD report to the United Nations General Assembly.
The proposal for the International Year recognised the need to promote sustained and inclusive economic growth, foster innovation and provide opportunities, benefits and empowerment for all and respect for all human rights.
It also identified the ongoing need to support developing countries and countries with economies in transition in diversifying production and exports, including in new sustainable growth areas, including creative industries.
It encourages all to observe the year in accordance with national priorities to raise awareness, promote cooperation and networking, encourage sharing best practices and experiences, enhance human resource capacity, promote an enabling environment at all levels as well as tackle the challenges of the creative economy.
For more information go to the UNCTAD website: https://unctad.org/.../2021-year-of-the-creative
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