ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

By Faiq Airudin

11 Apr 2024

Reflection on the curated conference theme, “Life Cycles of Grassroots Arts Organisations in Asia”

Reflection on the curated conference theme, “Life Cycles of Grassroots Arts Organisations in Asia”

The article is a reflection by the author after attending Meeting Point 2024, organised by the Mekong Cultural Hub in Hanoi, Viet Nam. Despite the author being overwhelmed by the …

By Lidija Pisker

14 Mar 2023

The source of artisanal creativity is a click away

King Houndekpinkou is an artist from Paris, France, who uses ceramics to express his inner self and connect artists from different continents.

The Homo Faber Guide is a digital platform that places the world of superb craftsmanship at the fingertips of art collectors, travellers, and craft lovers.

By Kerrine Goh

11 Dec 2014

Green + Arts + Culture + Mobility: Towards an international equation?


Contributed by Marie Le Sourd In one year, the 21st UN International Conference on Climate Change will take place in Paris from 30 November to 10 December 2015. Despite some …

By Valentina Riccardi

12 Jun 2013

Investing in Heritage Cities: Stimulus for Sustainable Tourism and Livelihoods | Myanmar



  On 24-25 June in Yangon, Myanmar, the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) will organise a two-day Experts’ Meeting and Public Forum on the theme of “Investing in Heritage Cities: Stimulus for …

By Valentina Riccardi

13 Nov 2012

Curating #4 | Sunitha Janamohanan, George Town World Heritage Inc.


This month Sunitha Janamohanan from the George Town World Heritage presents a new exciting curatorial journey of, looking closely at the field of heritage management in Asia.

By Valentina Riccardi

01 Jun 2012

Curating #2 | Lesley Alway, Asialink


Valentina Riccardi asked Lesley Alway, Director of Asialink Arts to share her curatorial journey with Curating #2.

Triangle Conference | sustaining the global art ecologies through networking


The Triangle Conference, which took place on November 26th and 27th 2011 in London, focused on the very raison d’être of art networks, their assets, as well as their current …

By Anupama Sekhar

18 Jan 2012

Social media trends in Southeast Asia


Southeast Asia is presently witnessing a high adoption rate to social media by individuals as well as a rapid growth in citizen’s journalism. Shaping these developments is a new-found affirmation …

By Valentina Riccardi

18 Oct 2011 "maps" the impressions of the World Summit


#ASEFCulture "maps" the creative intersections at the 5th World Summit on arts and culture that took place in Melbourne, Australia on 3-6 October 2011.

By Judith Staines

28 Sep 2010

Sustainable Creative Cities | role of arts in globalised urban context


Good practices from Asia and Europe, highlighting constructive initiatives with artistic rationales that address the topic of sustainable creative cities.