ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

By Valentina Riccardi

11 Jun 2013

The importance of preserving, restoring and promoting film heritage


The Memory! International Film Heritage Festival that took place on 1-9 June in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, was the first festival in the region with a precise focus on film restoration.

By Kerrine Goh

13 May 2013

Documentary filmmaking and multilateralism | A conversation with Yves de Peretti


David Ocón has interviewed Yves de Peretti, from the Ateliers Varan (France), one of the organisers of ‘Catch-Tell-Transform: 4th Documentary Filmmakers’ Workshop’.

By Kerrine Goh

08 May 2013

Constructive criticism will make you reflect harder on your project | Interview with Ilang Ilang Quijano


David Ocón has interviewed Ilang Ilang Quijano, one of the participants of ‘Catch-Tell-Transform: 4th Documentary Filmmakers’ Workshop’.

By Kerrine Goh

06 May 2013

Asian Side of the Doc 2013 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Kuala Lumpur played host to the 4th edition of the Asian Side of the Doc (ASD), an international documentary co production market.

By Siddharth

03 May 2013

Pitching Lab with Stefano Tealdi


Stefano Tealdi is not a run of the mill producer busy making his films in isolation. Instead, this charming Italian has strived for development of documentary culture in Southern Europe …

By Siddharth

03 Apr 2013

Understanding the Berlinale | An insider's diary


Berlin International Film Festival, popularly called the Berlinale, is a leading film festival in the world. It is the most sought after event in the Berlin cultural scene, attracting film-loving …

By Sarah Richardot

13 Feb 2013

Cinema Reborn | A Profile of Cambodian Films


Cambodian cinema is yet to come out of its historical crisis of the 70’s. Cinema in this tiny part of the world suffered systematic dismantling at the hand of Khmer …

By Kerrine Goh

03 Jan 2013

The Restoration of an Indonesian classic, Lewat Djam Malam


About Lewat Djam Malam Usmar Ismail's Lewat Djam Malam (After the Curfew) is a classic 1954 Indonesian film set in the aftermath of the revolution that brought an end to …

By Parul Wadhwa

23 Nov 2012

Creative Producing | The Midas Touch


By the very nature of its diversity, the Asian member countries of the ASEM region are a terrain of new stories. The filmmaking is avant garde in its raw nature, …

By Siddharth

08 Nov 2012

ASEF alumni collaborates on crowd-sourced project


Matrimania the film is a thrilling journey of two European filmmakers - Vincent Bitaud and Maximillen Van Aertryck filming through the great Indian wedding season. Their guide is Mahesh Shantaram, …

By Mayur Bandyopadhyay

02 Nov 2012

'Is 3D going to be the future of Cinema?'


The recent 3D buzz has got everybody asking, 'Is 3D is going to be the future of Cinema?'

By Kerrine Goh

29 Oct 2012

Cinema Sans Frontières


In Cinema Sans Frontiers, Professor Herman van Eyken and Dr Margaret McVeigh discuss a case study - 33 Postcards (2011) an Australia/China co-production - and outline Griffith Film School’s work …

By Valentina Riccardi

11 Oct 2012

"10 Lessons in Film" | discussing the importance of Asia-Europe exchanges in Film


On September 28-29 2012, The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) organised at Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore, the launch of the project “10 Lessons in Film”.

By loredana Paracciani

04 Oct 2012

Between Industry and Experimentation: Moving Images in Thailand


The relation between the film as end product and the audience changes greatly, as the distinction between film industry and experimentation widens proportionally. No greater distinction can be noticed anywhere …

By Kerrine Goh

14 Sep 2012

Loneliness from West to East | 'Han', the Korean loneliness emotion and its meaning for the European audiences


Even with the gloomy, sad, depressing, painful, or distressing atmosphere and the main characters that are almost constantly disappearing or dying, the Western spectator is thankful for Korean movies, in …