ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Get in-depth perspectives through commissioned articles, interviews and reports on current topics for Asia-Europe cultural relations.

By Yuko Ishiwata

07 Feb 2019

#Tokyo2020: Japan's Cultural Initiatives for the Olympics


Amidst millions of ecstatic onlookers, the closing ceremony of the 2016 Summer Paralympics, held in Rio de Janeiro, marked the symbolic beginning of the Tokyo 2020 Cultural Olympiad, with the …

By Claire Wilson

21 Jan 2019

The importance of innovative approaches to art and sustainability



As sustainability is increasingly embedded in the programming of arts venues and events it is increasingly important to think of new ways of presenting these ideas.

By David Fernández

11 Jan 2019

By people / In cities: Yogyakarta, Indonesia | city profile

This month,'s contributor David Fernandez travels to Yogyakarta. In this article, he dives into the local arts and cultural scene of the city, exploring some of the alternative creative …

By Naima Morelli

08 Jan 2019

Asiatica Film Festival in Rome: Interview with Italo Spinelli


To the international cultural arena, Rome is hardly known as the epicentre for contemporary Asian culture in Europe. Nonetheless, in Italy, there is a bunch of passionate individuals who are …

By Valentina Riccardi

13 Dec 2018

Central Asian Forum on Cultural Policy and Management | Key Insights



As part of the media partnership with the Central Asian Forum on Cultural Policy and Management organised last month in Almaty, Kazakhstan, I have interviewed on behalf of the …

EARS on Mumbai: Vibrant Platform for Cross-Cultural Collaboration & Networking Opportunities



The Europe-Asia Roundtable Sessions (EARS) aims to provide a creative platform to support international collaboration and cross-cultural interaction between Europe and Asia.


05 Dec 2018

Czechia-Asia Cultural Co-operation



The topic of artistic and cultural co-operation has been rapidly gaining significance in regional, national as well as local contexts, both in Asia and Europe.

By Ritirong Jiwakanon

03 Dec 2018

ENCATC International Study Tour in Tokyo - Key Observations



The 2018 ENCATC (European Network on Cultural Management and Policy) International Study Tour in Tokyo was held from 7 to 9 November 2018 and offered an intensive learning programme on …

By Florent Petit

29 Nov 2018

Riga, at the heart of Latvian arts & culture


In conjunction with the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of Latvia, culture360 contributor Florent Petit takes us to Riga, to discover its vibrant arts scene.

By David Fernández

22 Nov 2018

In conversation with Han Nefkens | Founder, Han Nefkens Foundation, Spain


Dutch writer, collector and art patron Han Nefkens, strongly feels that private passions can be public benefits. In 2009, he set up the Han Nefkens Foundation in Barcelona, the city …

By Dr Marcin Poprawski

16 Nov 2018

10th ICCPR: The cultural governance of global flows Key Messages



The International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR) is an ambitious biennial event in cultural policy research which provides a unique opportunity for academics to present their recent work in …

By Valentina Riccardi

12 Nov 2018

Buffer Fringe Festival: bridging the divide through performing arts | Cyprus



As part of the media partnership with, we have interviewed Hayriye Rüzgar who is in charge of Communications at Home for Cooperation, the organisation behind the Buffer Fringe Festival. …

By Naima Morelli

06 Nov 2018

Manifesta 12: looking at the world through the city of Palermo, Italy


Manifesta 12, the new iteration of the European Nomadic Biennial, is taking place in Palermo, Sicily. With the title “The Planetary Garden: Cultivating Coexistence,” (16 June to 4 November 2018, …

By Benoit Jacquemet

02 Nov 2018

Exploring the Influence of Cultural Heritage on Contemporary Architecture



​​​​​​​“A Conversation with Wang Shu and Paul Robbrecht” was the title of the architecture forum held on 22 October at the Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR in the scope …

By Preeti Gaonkar

29 Oct 2018

Merging the classical with the contemporary | An interview with Pichet Klunchun



Thai dancer and choreographer Pichet Klunchun presents his work ‘I am a Demon’ at the ASEM Cultural Festival on 29 October 2018 at the Centre for Fine Arts-Brussels (BOZAR).