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Resources > UCLG publication: Culture Policies and Action of Local Governments in Response to COVID-19: An Asia-Pacific Perspective

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22 Jun 2021

UCLG publication: Culture Policies and Action of Local Governments in Response to COVID-19: An Asia-Pacific Perspective

UCLG Asia Pacific ASPAC Culture Committee has presented a new publication:  “Culture Policies and Action of Local Governments in Response to COVID-19: An Asia-Pacific Perspective”.

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only affected health and economic sectors, but it has also strongly affected the cultural sector. Culture as the fourth pillar of sustainable development is the fundamental aspect in recovering better and stronger from COVID-19 in Asia Pacific cities and local governments. Therefore, there is an urgent call to tackle the matters of culture in cities, as it serves as an antidote to the secondary effects of the pandemic.

In responding to this urgency, UCLG ASPAC’s Culture Committee has presented a new publication. It was launched at an event called ‘Show Must Go On: Culture and Cities in the Next Normal on 17th June 2021 in Jakarta. UCLG ASPAC will launch the committee’s publication titled “Culture Policies and Action of Local Governments in Response to COVID-19: An Asia-Pacific Perspective”.

This publication addresses and amplifies that Local governments hold a key role in strengthening the role of culture in responding and recovery from the pandemic. It is also inrelation with UCLG ASPAC’s Culture Committee goals, which are to influence policy formulation, facilitate knowledge-sharing of cultural policies and exemplary practices, and establish an active culture network in the region.

In the executive summary of publication, Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi as Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC, emphasized that this publication is the chance to raise awareness among the international community on the efforts of cities and local governments in establishing culture policies and tangible resources to culture for people during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. “This publication is an important milestone in encouraging knowledge exchange and enabling local governments to address the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Download the publication here