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Opportunities > Roots & Seeds | Artwork and Research Residency calls - Europe


15 Feb 2021

Roots & Seeds | Artwork and Research Residency calls - Europe

Open call from Roots & Seeds XXI. Biodiversity Crisis and Plant Resistance to international sciart artists and curators based in Europe, to apply for artwork production grants and a research residency, on the theme of the biodiversity crisis focused on the botanical world. Projects must be developed as an Art & Science collaboration between professionals.

Roots & Seeds XXI. Biodiversity Crisis and Plant Resistance is an international cooperation project developed by Ars Electronica, Leonardo/Olats, University of Barcelona and Quo Artis as lead partner.

Roots & Seeds XXI aims to promote sustainable habits through the use of Art & Science’s approaches and practices. The project wants to encourage audiences to take better care of the environment, and more particularly of plants. We understand the botanical world from a non-anthropocentric perspective, and we aim to present it as a model for a more sustainable future through our activities, workshops and this Open Call for the production of two artworks (organised by Quo Artis) and a research residency (organised by Leonardo/Olats)

This Open Call will support:


Aimed at international sciart artists or artist collectives, both established and emerging, living in Europe and working with any kind of media and formats.


Aimed at international sciart artists or curators living in Europe, to start, pursue or close a research related to the biodiversity crisis and plant resistance, without an obligation of production or predetermined outcome.

Applicants in both categories must address the biodiversity crisis focused on the botanical world. Their projects have to be developed in direct collaboration with scientific professionals and/or institutions.

In addition to the production of the artworks and the residency, the authors of the three selected projects will benefit from participating in some of Roots & Seeds XXI’s international training and exchange of knowledge events (LASER Paris meetings, Multidisciplinary Garden Cartographies and Art-Sci Forum, among others). All the travel costs related to the participation in these activities will be covered by the Roots and Seeds XXI Consortium.

The two produced artworks and the result of the research residency will be presented and exhibited at Ars Electronica Festival (Linz) in 2022.The transport of the artworks and the artists to Ars Electronica will be covered by Quo Artis. In the residency’s case, the format of presentation will be agreed between the project representative and Root & Seeds XXI’s partners.

The Call is open to applicants of any nationality, but based in Europe, including non-EU countries.

Deadline for proposals: 15 February 2021

Photo credits: Iván Pérez