International ChoreoLab Austria 2013 | call for applications

The International ChoreoLab Austria 2013 will take place under the theme "STONE bound_BODY motion", as a site-specific communicative forum in nature. It is created and directed by the choreographer Sebastian Prantl in cooperation with the pianist Cecilia Li, directors of Tanz Atelier Wien.
STONE bound_BODY motion
August 24 to September 1, 2013
at the Art & Nature Sanctuary, St. Margarethen / Burgenland, Austria
Time, endurance, climate, formation, sequence of working processes, regeneration and meditation are the themes of STONE bound_BODY motion. International docents will be teaching various approaches to dance and body awareness in nature and analyse their (meta)physical, cultural and economic make-up.
The ChoreoLab combines performative training, lecture, demonstration and presentation with experts from the fields of choreography/dance/sound/music architecture and film (Elisabeth Dalman/Australia, Alex Guerra/Brasil, Renate Hammer/Austria, Othello Johns/USA, Monika Kammerlander/Austria, Ming Shen Ku/Taiwan, Johanna Rainer/Austria, Jim Shum/Hong Kong, Cecilia Li and Sebastian Prantl/ Austria).
Art-based research in the interface of body, mind & nature
At the centre of ICLA 2013 stands the multilayered materiality of the body. The bones of the human skeleton, the hardest and densest part of the human body landscape, serve as a conceptual starting point for the interaction with the atmosphere in and around the ancient stone quarry of St. Margarethen.
Art & Nature Sanctuary of St. Margarethen
Founded in 1959 by the sculptor doyen Karl Prantl (1923-2010), the Symposion of European Sculptors around the ancient stone quarry of St. Margarethen was the starting point for a sculpture symposium movement of worldwide scope, centering on joint working and sharing of expertise between international artists. From the 1960s onward a unique cultural stronghold has been growing around the hill of St. Margarethen, harbouring exemplary land art positions.
With the ICLA 2013 - a transdisciplinary training and field work program for researchers, scholars and performers - the Sculptors´ House once again will foster a spirit of collective artistic enterprises.
The call for applications is now open.
Info & application details: DOWNLOAD PDF
More information on
Download call pdf. IN CHINESE
NOTE: there is no set deadline for applications - the Lab is full when it is full!
Earlybird discount fee until 1st JULY 2013 !!
Auditions for scholarships:
Sunday, July 28, 2013 at 10am
Tanz Atelier Wien
Neustiftgasse 38
1070 Vienna / Austria
Olga Kolokytha
Tanz Atelier Wien
t: +43 (0)1 5226044
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