France | EXPERIMENTA Arts & Sciences Biennale 2020 - international project call

In the framework of EXPERIMENTA, the Arts & Sciences Biennale 2020, Atelier Arts Sciences is launching a call for international projects for EXPERIMENTA, the fair which will take place in Grenoble from 11 to 15 February 2020.
Atelier Arts Sciences is a joint research laboratory shared by CEA - a French research centre - and Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences - a theatre based in Meylan, France.
You are leading an innovating project at the crossroad between arts, sciences and technologies? You are interested in presenting your work publicly, getting feedbacks from the audience and making new professional connections? EXPERIMENTA is opening its doors to you: apply and get your project selected for EXPERIMENTA 2020’s program.
What type of project is eligible?
- Projects must involve a collaboration between one or several artists and one or several scientists / technologists.
- Projects must bring an artistic, scientific or technological innovation.
- They can take many different forms: artistic installations, interactive or immersive artworks, augmented reality devices, technological prototypes, scenographic elements, demonstrations, short performances…
- If selected, project leaders commit to attend the fair and present their work to the audience during the whole length of the event: to professional events and to the the days of public opening (about 10 hours of opening time each day). They will also take a specific time to prepare the people in charge of welcoming and showing the visitors around (staff and students). Project owners will also probably be asked to intervene in round-tables and conferences being held in the framework of EXPERIMENTA, the forum.
Who can apply?
All artists are eligible, whatever their status or professional situation might be, in the fields of performing arts or any other artistic field, as long as their project involves a scientist (natural and social sciences).
EXPERIMENTA, the fair can cover transportation costs (home-Grenoble return ticket), meals and accommodation for 2 person per project. However, please note that we normally do not cover international transportation. Foreign teams should thus look for their own financial support (through their diplomatic organizations) for covering their international traveling expenses. We can however of course support you in doing so. When relevant, EXPERIMENTA also covers artistic fees for public presentation of the artwork. All requests for further expenses coverage will be assessed and discussed individually.
Deadline: 11 January 2019
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