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Opportunities > European Festival Research Project | Call


15 Apr 2011

European Festival Research Project | Call

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The European Festivals Research Project (EFRP) and Festival Borštnikovo srečanje (Maribor Theatre Festival) invite proposals for presentations at the EFRP research workshop "Artistic festivals and continuously operating cultural organizations" to be held in Maribor, Slovenia between 21-23 October 2011.

Artistic festivals emerged in Europe after the World War Two with the aim to provide extraordinary artistic experiences that the existing cultural organizations could not deliver  throughout the habitual cultural season. This compensatory role of the artistic festivals has been modified with their proliferation and increasingly international output of cultural organizations. The workshop seeks to reconsider the relationship of festivals and continuously operating cultural organizations as competitors and partners.

The organizers aim to select around 14 presentations to be featured in the workshop. The research approaches and forms can be of different sorts: case studies and comparisons, typological analysis of the relationships, examination of specific aspects of competition, interdependence and synergy; approached from the point of view of artists, programmers and producers, funders, critics or audiences; dealing with programming and producing issues, logistic, marketing and communication, audience development and esp. educational activities, media coverage, sponsorship and cultural policy.

Researchers are invited to submit short proposals (150-250 words) of their research presentation by 15 April 2011 to Dr Dragan Klaic, EFRP Chair at Accepted proposals are to be developed by the authors into PowerPoint presentations of maximum 10 slides. In the Maribor workshop, each presenter will have 15 minutes for own PowerPoint presentation, with ample time reserved for discussion. PowerPoint presentations (in English) should be sent by 30 September 2011.
By sending in their proposals, presenters consent to have their PowerPoint presentations published on the EFRP public depository at for the future benefit of the wider community of those interested in festivals research.

For further information on the research topic and how to participate, please read the entire call for proposals at: