Asian Art Archive call for writing and artistic interventions on time

The Asian Art Archive’s online publishing platform is calling for contributions on the concept of time, to be published in October 2024.
Taking cues from Fanon’s line that “every human problem cries out to be considered on the basis of time”, LIKE A FEVER is looking for work that explores connections between time and the problems we face today – even, and maybe especially, the ones we have become numb to.
How have present crises shifted your relationship with, or understanding of, time? How might different conceptions of time lead to more radical social visions? What “ordinary” practices have helped you move with integrity through these precarious times? How might archives – with their multiple registers of time – attune us to overlooked possibilities for intervening in the present?
LIKE A FEVER hopes to receive unruly, untimely, undisciplined interventions – essayistic, poetic, visual, some combination of the above – that still manage to clarify the stakes of our present moment. And, as always, work that is at once obsessive, moody, and oriented towards cure.
Selected pitches will receive an honorarium of 3,125 HKD (400 USD) to develop a piece of around 1,000–4,000 words; and will be notified late July, with a view towards developing the pieces for publication beginning early October.
LIKE A FEVER application guidelines
Deadline: 22 July 2024
Image: Dasha Yukhymyuk on Unsplash.
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