The Territories launched in Australia | art-natural world online platform

The Territories is a new interdisciplinary website that explores Australia’s landscape through art, science, history, and everything in between. Read about inspiring land art and social engagement projects in Australia, and much more, on The Territories.
Currently you can find on The Territories:
- The Long Paddock: an experimental land art project. In 2015 the New Landscapes Institute invited a group of artists, architects, filmmakers and writers to conduct fieldwork along a vast network of historic Traveling Stock Routes (TSR) across Australit, and to develop works that explore their environmental and cultural significance.
- New Geographies: a publication from The Bogong Centre for Sound Culture.
- Cryptoforests of Sydney: a series of prints which imagine native Australian plants reclaiming urban spaces throughout Sydney
- Corrugated Iron Mosque of Broken Hill: the story of one of the few surviving mosques in Australia from the late 19th century, constructed for the camp of Afghan camel drivers who came to Australia to support a drive to explore and develop the Australian interior through scientific surveys using huge herds of camels.
To say that The Territories is exclusively about the Australian landscape, or our natural history, is not quite accurate. It is as much about identity as it is geography.
The Territories has been dreamt up out of a deep fascination with this country, and the qualities that help distinguish it from anywhere else. Those qualities, all those places, and people, and stories, and myths can be traced back to the land, the sky, and the sea of this island continent.
Territories are, by definition, both an areas of land and spheres of thought — which suits us perfectly. We bring together diverse voices from past and present to explore the country and cultures of the antipodes through current affairs, essays, art, photography, reportage, memoir, fiction, and poetry. We will aim to encourage cross pollination between the disciplines too.
The Territories is a space where artists can discuss science, and scientists can discuss art.
Keep an eye on The Territories
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