News & events > Exhibition: "Landscapes: Seeking the Ideal Land" | Korea
29 Jul 2014 - 28 Sep 2014

Exhibition: "Landscapes: Seeking the Ideal Land" | Korea

Exhibition Landscapes Korea The National Museum of Korea, an ASEMUS member, currently presents an exhibition entitled "Landscapes: Seeking the Ideal Land". The exhibition displays a diverse array of images of idyllic worlds that people in East Asia have dreamt of and even attempted to enact. One of the most fundamental aspects of an ideal land is magnificent and mysterious natural scenery, which people have always associated with virtue, prosperity, and spiritual peace. In East Asian art, there are two main themes for landscape painting: actual mountains known for their spectacular scenery, and idealized landscapes, such as Eight Views of Xiao and Xiang Rivers, Nine-Bend Streams in the Wuyi Mountain, and Peach Blossom Spring. This special exhibition features landscape paintings that attempt to capture the harmony between individuals, society, and the natural world. The displayed works impart gorgeous representations of an ideal land or paradise, allowing visitors to contemplate how people of the past defined their world and society, and how their ideas varied from those of today. Additional information about the exhibition is available here.