Call for Papers: Feminism and Museums
Independent publishing house MuseumsEtc has recently launched a call for papers for a forthcoming book entitled Feminism and Museums: Intervention, Disruption and Change, planned for 2017.
Feminism and Museums: Intervention, Disruption and Change will bring together case studies and analyses of recent feminist actions, interventions and disruptions which aim to directly impact and influence collecting, interpretation and engagement activities in museums, galleries and heritage organisations. The aims of the publication are:
- To encourage and facilitate feminist practice by sharing examples of success and positive experience in the museum and heritage sector.
- To evaluate the impact and results of feminist practices and actions in the museum and heritage sector.
- Curatorial and collecting decisions and initiatives.
- Positive innovations in the fields of management, marketing, interpretation, exhibitions, digital, outreach and other key aspects of museum and heritage work.
- Successful changes to institutional structures, policies and practices.
- The discovery and presentation of hidden herstories.
- Positive engagement with voluntary or activist women's organisations.
- The impact of organisations founded or managed on a feminist ethos.
- Artist interventions.
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