2016 Festivals of India in Spain - Hungary - Myanmar

Festival of India in Spain is organized from June to September 2016. The Festival is staged in different cities of Spain, namely Madrid, Valladolid, Almargo, Olite, Aviles and Segovia. The Ministry of Culture in India has also organised Festivals of India in Hungary and in Myanmar earlier in 2016.
As part of the Festival of India in Spain, the following events are showcased:
- Indian Food Festival (15-23 June 2016)
- Yoga Week (19-26 June 2016)
- Kijote Kathakali (July-August 2016)
- ‘Hay Festival’/Literary Festival (16-27 September 2016)
- Flamenco India (September 2016)

During June 2016 a
Festival of India in Hungary took place in different cities of Hungary, namely, Budapest, Debrecen, Szeged, Eger, Nagykanizsa, Esztergom, Szentendre and Balatonfured, with dance, performance and other events.
Festival of India in Myanmar took place earlier this year in April.
India's Ministry of Culture (MoC) is responsible for conducting Festivals of India (FoIs) abroad as part of focused strategy for strengthening international cultural relations and enhancing India’s soft power. This scheme was revived by the Ministry in 2013. The events in Festival of India generally include Dance, Music, Theater, Films, Food, Literary Festival, Yoga demonstration, Folk Arts, Performing Arts, Exhibitions and workshops etc. It may be noted that the main focus of a FoI is to connect and enhance the perception of India in the minds of the locals.

The Festivals of India are organized in various countries through the Indian Missions situated there. In this endeavour, the autonomous organizations, private institutions/NGOs/Universities/individuals contribute towards making Festivals of India a success.
All the agencies, which are desirous of participating in the Festivals of India abroad, are requested to visit
M/o Culture Website: http://www.indiaculture.nic.in/ in this regard and to provide details of the events/performances in the prescribed format within given time to the Festival of India (FoI) Cell in the Ministry of Culture for inclusion of artists/events in Festivals of India abroad. A brief concept paper for each event along with link may also be included.
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