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Resources > Innovation business models for arts and cultural organisations | IETM publication

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26 Dec 2016

Innovation business models for arts and cultural organisations | IETM publication

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To sell or not to sell?: An introduction to business models (innovation) for arts and cultural organisations is a new toolkit book published by IETM international performing arts network.

This free toolkit aims to help cultural and artistic organisations innovate processes in their business models.

Written by Jose Luis Rodriguez, communications director at Trans Europe Halles, it covers key concepts such as the relationship between culture and business, business models for non-profit organisations, and possible areas of innovation.

Several case studies are described as examples of the topics discussed.

IETM TOOLKITS are short publications with a very practical approach to a specific topic. Building on a mapping - a separate publication or preliminary research as part of the same text - the toolkit offers rules / tips to follow for undertaking a practical task or facing a specific challenge.

Download here: To sell or not to sell?: An introduction to business models (innovation) for arts and cultural organisations.