ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Singapore | Asian Women Photographers' Showcase - call for entries


10 Jul 2017

Singapore | Asian Women Photographers' Showcase - call for entries


2017 ASIAN WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHERS' SHOWCASE at Objectifs, Singapore - call for submissions from Asian women photographers worldwide.

Slideshow Projection curated by Yumi Goto (Reminders Photography Stronghold) and Emmeline Yong (Objectifs) In collaboration with Objectifs’ Women in Film & Photography Showcase

Submission Deadline: 10 July 2017

Asian women photographers are invited to submit work for inclusion in a slideshow curated by Yumi Goto (of Reminders Project and Photography Stronghold) and Emmeline Yong (Objectifs). The slideshow projection will be part of the Women in Film & Photography Showcase at Objectifs (Singapore), 11 Oct to 19 Nov 2017.

The Women in Film & Photography Showcase at Objectifs is a tribute to the artists, photographers and filmmakers who have created works that tell stories with impact, break boundaries and inspire us.

The photo essays, series and bodies of submitted work may be about any issue, event or person but must have been photographed in the applicant¹s native country. Completed bodies of work and ongoing projects are both acceptable.

Applicants who are ethnically Asian but were born outside of Asia are also eligible, but must submit a body of work photographed in their forefathers country.

See application document for further details on eligibility