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Opportunities > Japan Foundation Bangkok grants for Thailand, Cambodia and Lao PDR


10 Nov 2024

Japan Foundation Bangkok grants for Thailand, Cambodia and Lao PDR

The Japan Foundation Bangkok (JFBKK) is calling for applications from organisations for their Small Grant programme for cultural or academic activities concerning Japan.

Eligible activities include international art and cultural exchange events implemented in Thailand, Cambodia and Lao PDR, such as art exhibitions, performing arts or film screenings to promote deeper understanding of Japanese arts and culture among the people in Thailand and the region. This category also includes projects to enhance Japanese studies in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos, such as joint-research, conferences, seminars and intensive courses.


Applicants should be non-profit organisations (e.g. universities, research institutes and academic associations, NGO/NPOs) located in Thailand, Cambodia or Lao PDR. In principle, the project should be carried out in the country where the applicant is based.

Applicants should carry out the project as an institution and should cover a part of the cost.


The Japan Foundation Bangkok’s contribution will not exceed 50,000 THB. The grant can be used for transport, honoraria (for the performers, researchers, collaborators, guest speakers, guest lecturers, assistants, interpreters), accommodation, production costs and rental fees. 

JFBKK Small Grant programme application guidelines


  • 10 May 2024 (for projects starting from 1 July onwards) 
  • 10 August 2024 (for projects starting from 1 October onwards)
  • 10 November 2024 (for projects starting from 1 January 2025 onwards)