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News & events > Challenges of online arts management information provision

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13 Aug 2010

Challenges of online arts management information provision

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LabforCulture publishes an interview with Dirk Heinze founder of Arts Management Network on online provision of arts management theory and resources.

Lidia Varbanova interviews Dirk Heinze:

LV/LfC: Arts Management Network provides important information and plenty of resources for professionals in the arts and the creative sectors for more than 8 years now. On your opinion, what are the most demanding topics nowadays for cultural managers worldwide? What kind of news, publications and information resources are they most interested in?

DH: I think, the interests of cultural managers depend mainly on the challenges, which they face in their countries. For some it is important to acquire more skills and information in project funding , for others leadership and human resource management is the key topic.

[interview continues...]

Read full LabforCulture interview: Online provision on arts management theory and practice

See also: A snapshot interview with Colin Mercer with more cultural management and policy input on LabforCulture

See also: Arts Management Network article on 'Arts as Cultural Diplomacy - a forum for young leaders'