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News & events > France | Creative Mobilities international forum

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29 Sep 2017 - 30 Sep 2017

France | Creative Mobilities international forum

None The 1st international forum Creative Mobilities will be held in Grenoble, France on 29-30 September. Places are limited - register now. A call for papers is open (deadline: 10 August). The Forum is a part of the MOUV’2017 days that will take place from the 28th to the 30th of September in Grenoble. In the last years, national and international events dedicated to mobility and to culture for sustainable development increased to address current challenges of our societies. “Creative Mobilities” was developed to create a complementary and transversal space for actors involved in the fields of mobility and culture to research, exchange and experiment in order to rethink mobility and to promote creativity starting from the individuals, the citizens and from the diversity of the groups who occupy the public space – in a word : from the human. The Forum’s program is based on the study of more than 80 projects implemented worldwide and inspired by the urban approach adopted by Medellin, guest of honor of the debates. The event is part of the official France-Colombia 2017 program. Through the prism of actual and potential synergies between culture(s) and mobility(ies), the main axes of the Forum will focus on:
  • Communication: arts, culture, mobility(ies), tools to raise awareness, communication and loyalty
  • Cooperation:​ behaviour change, measures to encourage change ;
  • Creation and innovation: "artists and creatives in a company" / "New spaces of creation and distribution: mobilities actors as cultural programmers" ;
  • Inclusion: well-being, creativity, diversity: (re)enchanting the urban experience and public space.
  • Breathing: public health, contamination, struggle against the disparities of a globalized world.
Call for papers and presentation topics - DEADLINE: 10 August 2017