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News & events > Arts Rights Justice Academy 2018 - apply now

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01 Sep 2018 - 08 Sep 2018

Arts Rights Justice Academy 2018 - apply now


The UNESCO Chair ‘Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development’ at the University of Hildesheim (Germany) invites experienced arts professionals and practitioners from all world regions to apply for the second edition of the ARTS RIGHTS JUSTICE ACADEMY 2018. This one-week advanced training course focuses on knowledge-exchange on the threats to artistic freedom worldwide, on understanding the legal and rights framework and the role of civil society in the protection and defense of the right to artistic freedom.

The ARJ ACADEMY invites 30 young professionals to join a group of international experts in the field for a programme of workshops, discussions, teamwork, presentations and individual consultancy. All participants in the ARJ ACADEMY will be practitioners in cultural policy-related work, arts or cultural management practice, free expression advocacy, human rights defense or related areas.
We are committed to bringing together participants from as wide a range of world regions as possible to create a peer-to-peer learning ambiance based on dialogue, learning and exchange.

Applications deadline: 5 April 2018

Do you work to support artists who are being censored or persecuted?
Are you a human rights defender or legal professional, with interest in or experience of supporting artists whose rights are being violated? Are you an arts and cultural practitioner, or working in an art organisation concerned by a growing climate of censorship, repression and aggression towards freedom of artistic expression?

September 1 – September 8, 2018
at the University of Hildesheim, Northern Germany


  • Fundamentals of freedom of expression
  • Understanding freedom and threat: censorship and policy structures
  • Legal frameworks and artists’ rights
  • Advocacy & campaigning: creating the conditions for free expression to thrive
  • Working with artists: training, protection, visas, relocation
  • Funding & networking

Who is eligible?

Young professionals and practitioners of all nationalities working within artists at risk residencies, arts and cultural project managers, artists, lawyers, jurists or further related area with:

  • Working experience in a field related to human rights, cultural rights, cultural policy, freedom of expression and artistic freedom, artist mobility, arts or social development

Good level of English

The ARJ ACADEMY will be followed by the ARJ FORUM. For further information on the ARJ FORUM please visit our website.